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Homophones - Elisheva Midora

Same sound, different word

Many homophones are quite tricksy. I made a list to collect them.

Homophones are words with the same sound, but a different spelling and meaning (usually, at least). Homo means "same", and phone means "sound", according to the roots of the word.

I tend to notice errors in text - I cannot help myself, and I cannot avoid it. And they annoy me. So I was envisioning a project to write a Guide To Troublesome Words, and I started collecting and curating a list of homophones.

Homophone faults are hard to learn to avoid, and I want to help people. I haven't written about this yet, I've just worked on the homophone list.

I have included a list below of what I have collected. There are some differing opinions on the pronunciation of certain words, so some may seem not to qualify to you if you pronounce things differently.

This is totally fine, of course. :) Language changes, and people speak it a bit differently, according to their individual context and discourse community (the people who they communicate with).

Here is the list:

This is not the latest version, I am still looking for that one.

bonus homophones
manor / manner
throws / throes
hanger / hangar
coy / koi
sac / sack
disc / disk
male / mail
ale / ail
aid / aide
than / then
alter / altar
mare / mayor / mayer
fair / fare / faire
air / err / ere / heir
berth / birth
raise / raze / rays
tear / tier
right / write / wright
bazaar / bizarre
principle / principal
nose / knows
whole / hole
born / borne
wreak / reek
pour / pore
wrest / rest
grisly / grizzly
deer / dear
steal / steel / stele
insure / ensure
flair / flare
sear / seer / sere
incidents / incidence
wretch / retch
roc / rock
site / sight / cite
stationery / stationary
great / grate
peak / pique / peek
dye / die
bear / bare
wright / right / rite / write
blue / blew
red / read
led / lead
guild / gild
gilt / guilt
horse / hoarse
hare / hair
sun / son
sum / some
main / mane / mein
eight / ate
for / four / fore
sicks / six / sics
sick / sic
facts / fax
thyme / time
seed / cede
cereal / serial
reign / rein / rain
tea / tee
tailor / taylor
plane / plain
lane / lain
lie / lye
might / mite
talk / tock
tic / tick
yon / yawn
guise / guys
gays / gaze
aids / aides
week / weak
colonel / kernel
beet / beat
pane / pain
heel / heal
peel / peal
whine / wine
hoes / hose / hos
liar / lyre
lute / loot
cue / queue
prey / pray
hey / hay
lei / lay
neigh / nay
medal / mettle / metal / meddle
pedal / peddle / petal
liar / lyre
lute / loot
cue / queue
bail / bale
pail / pale
hail / hale
gail / gale
tail / tale
wail / whale / wale
towed / toad
rode / road
lode / load
ode / owed
born / borne
bar / barre